Patrick Melton – Screenwriter & Author
Q: Who is Patrick Melton?
A: Patrick Melton is a screenwriter and author from Champaign, Illinois. He studied communications at the University of Iowa and received his MFA in screenwriting from Loyola Marymount University. Patrick is a frequent collaborator of fellow screenwriter, Marcus Dunstan. In 2005, Patrick and Marcus won the third season of Project Greenlight with their horror script, Feast.
Q: What has Patrick done?
A: Patrick is best known for his work on the Saw series of horror films (IV, V, VI, 3D), The Feast series (Feast, Feast 2, Feast 3), Piranha3DD and The Collector films (The Collector, The Collection). His latest projects are the Sci-Fi film, Pacific Rim for Guillermo del Toro and an adaptation of the popular video game, God of War. Patrick has also co-written a horror suspense novel entitled Black Light, currently in development as a feature film at Warner Bros.
Q: Where can I find Patrick?
A: Patrick can be found at IMDb and Wikipedia. He also has his own tumblr. You can follow Patrick on Twitter as well.
unSCRIPTED PODCASTS with Patrick Melton
Screenwriter Patrick Melton on the unSCRIPTED Podcast.
20Q INTERVIEW w/Patrick Melton
Twenty things you (probably) didn’t know about Saw IV and The Collector screenwriter, Patrick Melton.
SCRIPTS & SCRIBES PODCAST #39 w/Patrick Melton & Marcus Dunstan
We talk to Marcus Dunstan and Patrick Melton about the key to making a writing partnership work, creating truly scary moments, writing a sequel to an established franchise and much more.